January 15th Corbin and Jerianna – Colorado Springs, CO“This course ignited my passion for Christ at the center of marriage.”
Him:It revived my faith by assisting and creating conversation about mine and Jerianna's faith differences. This also encouraged me to dig into aspects of my faith that I learned as a boy and try to re understand why I believe those things or why the Church practices certain traditions.
Her: This course was truly wonderful. Although I'm not Catholic, I would highly recommend the course to any couple - Catholic or not. The topics brought up great conversation between us that I feel really started a foundation that's worth building a life on. This course brought up conversations between us that I had wanted to have (and saw ourselves having), but didn't always have the words or opportunity to have them without some direction.
Both:It sparked conversation that needed to happen between us for the sake of our future marriage. We really took a lot away from the I-message portion in terms of effective communication. The conversations that were had during the course allowed us to practice more of a heavenly perspective for one another, which will carry on through our future to allow us to better understand one another.
January 16th Matt and Stephanie – Colorado Springs, CO “I most appreciated the application and insight for modern day use of the material.”
Him:I thought this prep was very engaging and covered a variety of interesting topics. I think the preparation raised questions that made Stephanie and I talk with one another and have dialogue about our future.
Her:I thought overall this prep was very helpful. This prep made me think about things I otherwise wouldn't, in ways that were different than I have before. Also, I enjoyed the use of scripture and also going back to Genesis and the thoroughness of the course.
Both:We feel it improved our communication by helping us understand what God intended marriage to be. With that in mind, it helps us to talk with each other not at each other. We have a more formed common goal in mind and feel our communication is more open and more about understanding one another.
January 17th Thai and Brianna –San Bernardino, CA “It has made me want to read the bible more and there are somethings that I didn't know and feel like I gained more knowledge on God’s teachings”
Him:I was very impressed with how everything is organized and easily taught. I learned so much more about the Catholic Faith and I appreciate how Catholicism is. I understand more about what marriage is and how to appreciate my spouse. Honestly, I would have been lost in what marriage is if I didn’t take these classes. It answered a lot of my questions that I had.
Her:I found many of the questions to be very helpful and interesting. They really did make us think together as a couple. This definitely helped us to have many interesting conversations. I loved how detailed our instructors were with their answer keys.
Both: We were able to express our opinion and our thought process. We had mutual debates on some questions and it was great to hear what we were able to offer to each question. Even though some of the questions had some conflicting views between us but we were able to work it through and understand how each other formulate the answers.
January 18th Jose and Veronica – Lansing, MI “It definitely made me closer to Christ and more aware of what I was receiving in the Eucharist…”
Him:It is a very well put-together preparation for the sacrament of marriage that definitely allows couples to engage in a wide variety of conversations that are important before the wedding day. It helps them be more conscious of important aspects of married life that tend to be trouble spots. It’s a course that seems to have a little something for everyone, even for a well-formed Catholic who might already have learned most of this.
Her:I appreciated the variety of topics and think that there was a good balance between the required material and the supplementary information provided in the answer keys that a couple can choose to focus on and delve into more deeply if they desire/need to.
Both:…it helped us to continue our communication by taking us into deeper topics than the normal every day chatter. We would like to continue the habit we had before this course and continued throughout it of reading texts together, whether it be a book, encyclical, papal letter, etc., with the hopes of continuing our communication and appreciation for marriage throughout our lives together.
January 19th Brandon and Lacey – Lafayette, LA “It encouraged me to stay closer to God and to continue building my daily relationship with him”
Him: I believe this prep has opened my eyes to the journey that is ahead of both of us. In just two short days, we will be entering into a brand-new world. The discussions were great because we were able to talk out our different views and later come to a conclusion together.
Her:This course has definitely given me a chance to have open discussions with my fiancée and find out things about him that I would have never asked on a regular day. I'm excited to begin this marriage journey. I appreciate the one on one interaction between our instructors. It gave us a more personal experience.
Both:It allowed us to talk our certain topics and come together with one response as a team.