Building Christ-centered marriages,
one couple at a time ™
Couple’s Feedback About Their Instructors
Jet and Cindy – Diocese of Monterey
Him: I don’t see how we could have gone through this course any other way. The way that it has helped us grow and have the hard talks has been very beneficial to our relationship. Also, I appreciate our instructors for giving us in depth reviews and helping us understand things better.
Her: I did not think I would have had as many of the conversations we have had, had it not for taking this preparation class. It was extremely helpful in a way where this course went at our own pace and really helped us think of the topics being brought up. I appreciate our instructors for really diving into conversations about these topics in every review.
Joe and Olivia – Diocese of Madison
Him: I appreciated the personal stories from our instructors, it definitely helped the lessons hit home and help us understand how they can be applied in our everyday lives.
Her: I appreciated the time spent by our instructors to write thoughtful responses to our answers and share personal stories and experiences.
Daniel and Sofia – Archdiocese of Edmonton
Him: I liked the in-depth feedback from our instructors. I liked that when we knew the answer there was still more to learn. But I liked even more the times when we didn't really know the answer or were incorrect in our thinking that the feedback that was provided didn't hesitate to point out our misunderstanding. We were also provided with many examples of why or how we are expected to live as Catholics. It was never just our word versus the instructors. If there was understanding on our part, we were told so and provided with reinforcement of that understanding. But if there was misunderstanding on our part they never shied away from telling us why and also provided several examples. I appreciated the directness.
Her: We appreciated the feedback we received from our instructors. We appreciated that it was prompt, thoughtful, and thorough.
Andrew and Amy – Diocese of Columbus
Him: I appreciate the resources and education provided in this course. It has given us helpful tools to keep our relationship strong as we take this step together.
Her: I appreciate the time our instructors put into our reviews and how they broke down every question and answer for us. It showed how much they cared and wanted us to grow. It was very informative and we found every resource they provided to be helpful either now or in our future.
Walter and Brie – Diocese of Phoenix
Him: We appreciated every aspect of this class. It really did exceed our expectations. We were expecting to have to learn most of these things on our own, but this course was a good surprise. Our instructors provided wonderful feedback and responses to our answers which in turn facilitated many conversations between my fiancé and myself.
Her: I really cannot say enough about this class! I feel so grateful to the Lord to have received the support and accompaniment that we have had with our instructors. I am so grateful that our preparation was extended over these few months and not just crammed into a one-day Saturday class. I thank our instructors for all of your wisdom, advice and real-life stories. They fill me with such hope and confidence in the Lord’s careful loving design for marriage and family life. I feel better prepared in understanding the gravity of the Sacrament, particularly going through the vows. I loved the wide-scope of this class and that it covered really the gamut of marriage and family life. I have a deeper appreciation for the weight and beauty of the Sacrament and that Jesus is the center. I have nothing to fear with the Lord at the center and His grace is in fact sufficient for Walter and me. I really cannot thank our instructors enough. This class has been a great gift to Walter and me. Please pray for us!
Thank you so much for giving your time to help in their preparation!
Thank you so much for working with N and R! I've known N for several years as she completed Med School here in New Orleans. Both N and R are a blessing to me personally. Thank you so much for giving your time to help in their preparation!
God's Peace,
Fr. Jeffrey
Notre Dame Seminary
New Orleans, LA
Thank you for your wonderful ministry
Thank you for your wonderful ministry and for taking the time to provide insight for the journey this couple has embarked on.
Fr. Lawrence
Manager, Spiritual Care Services
Scripps Mercy Hospital
San Diego & Chula Vista, CA
Thank you
Thanks for this assessment. Thank you for working with this couple despite the resistance you faced. I will be sure to follow up with them..
Fr. Jimmy
St. Thomas More Newman Center
Columbus, OH
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for providing the marriage prep for M and N. They were both very pleased and we are all grateful for your ministry. God bless you both.
Fr. Michael
St. Paul Catholic Church
Olathe, KS.
God's blessing
Thank you for helping R & K with the Marriage Preparation Program. I am happy to know that they have completed the program. I have no doubt that they are preparing themselves very well to take another step of life together.
God’s blessing and have a good summer!
Fr. Matthew
St. Theresa Catholic Church
Saskatchewan, Canada
May God bless you for the good work you do.
Thank you for your email regarding the results of P & S’s marriage preparation. Thank you for sharing your time, faith and marital experience with them. May God bless you for the good work you do.
Msgr. Whelton
Vicar General for the Diocese of Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa, CA
Thank you for all that you do to help couples
Thank you so much for sharing your insights and feedback with me on C and E. They are a wonderful couple, and it makes me happy just to work with them.
Thank you for all that you do to help couples keep Jesus as central to their lives and their marriages. Your ministry makes a big difference.
Pace e bene.
Deacon Trudel
St. John XXIII Catholic Church
Fort Collins, CO
God bless you for it now and in eternity.
Thanks so much for helping them and for your work! God bless you for it now and in eternity.
Fr. Anthony Craig
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Garrison, MN
Thank you for your work.
Thank you for this email and for working with this couple. I am looking forward to celebrating with them. Thank you for your work.
Fr. Kastl
Holy Family Cathedral
Tulsa, OK
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