Introduction to the Course

Our Classroom Theology of the Body Marriage Preparation Course offers engaged or civilly married couples a comprehensive journey through the essence of marriage, rooted in Catholic teachings. Designed to be engaging and insightful, this course is not just an educational experience but a transformative journey towards understanding the sanctity of marriage. This course also offers an in-person path to Convalidation. The course usually spans four (4) weeks, with one evening session per week, each lasting approximately two and a half hours.

Course Availability

We have trained instructor couples in many dioceses of the United States. Please check with your parish if and when they offer our Catholic Marriage Prep course.

If your parish is interested in sending a couple for training as instructors, this page will give them the information needed.

Couples are immersed in Theology of the Body (TOB) throughout the marriage prep course.


Engaged or civilly married couples



The cost will be determined by each diocese or parish.



In a class setting of 20 couples, in four different sessions. One evening per week on four weeks is the most efficient schedule.


Teaching Method

The course is not designed to be taught in the traditional lecture style, but rather to make the couples find their own answers to the questions first. Their instructors then complete their answers with the teachings of the Church. Each teaching is supported by an engaging Power Point Presentation and a few video clips. The course is highly interactive.


Each couple receives a beautifully illustrated workbook where they can take notes. At the end of each chapter, they have a selection of documents to read at home to complete the evening session.



Click to see the course content.



One evening per week for four weeks.
Each evening session lasts about two and a half hours. The course is spread over a month to give couples time to process and discuss each topic.
At the end of the last session, each couple will receive a certificate of completion.
It is the couple's responsibility to hand it over to their preparing parish.




Click here for information on our instructor couples training to teach the live course in your own parish or diocese.