Workbooks and Instructor's Manual are sold only to certified Agape Catholic Marriage Preparation instructors and their parishes.
Allow one to two weeks to receive your order.
In English, Spanish and French.
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(English, Spanish, French) US$ 60.00 each
The Workbook is of superior quality, in full color, and meant to be a keepsake that the Engaged Couple will treasure and refer to for the rest of their lives. It includes all documents and is full color. It also includes two pledge cards and one pledge flyer.
$55 each from 11 to 25 books
$52.50 for 26 books and over
Updated Instructor's Manual
with Power Point Presentation USB key
(English, Spanish, French) US$ 150.00 each
Updated Power Point Presentation USB key only
(English, Spanish, French) US$ 35.00 each

Updated Instructors Manual only (without USB key)
(English, Spanish, French) US$ 115.00 each
All rights reserved.
No photocopies allowed.
Available in English, Spanish and French.
You can also order free prayer cards for mentors
willing to support engaged couples in their abstinence
walk towards their wedding day, and a prayer card for Marriage.