Honoring each other is a continual attentiveness to the needs of the other! You consider the other's needs before your own. And it is very easy to lose it once we are absorbed by the daily busyness, the worries of all sorts, and the noise of the world. We very easily take the other for granted in the long run. We have to be aware of it in order to fight it!
Also, honoring someone is cherishing this person as a gift every day! We should never take each other for granted. This is why the courting must go on even if we have to force ourselves at times: have dates, set at least one evening per month just for the two of you, keep courting each other! Always remember that your family will draw its strength from your mutual love and respect!
Here is what a couple said:
Honoring is the giving of a selfless love. I am reminded of that little mouse in "The Tale Of Despereaux." He honored the princess and was willing to give his life for her, and he told her "I honor you." Honoring someone is also respecting them, valuing them, appreciating them. It is loving them. We can honor each other by respecting each other, not just in concept but in deed, and treating each other respectfully; by remaining faithful to each other physically and emotionally; by communicating openly and honestly; and by being a good example to other people of how a married couple should treat each other. Dan and Marina