Reproductive technologies

Many assisted reproductive therapies such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization and its newer variants also tear apart the “inseparable connection" between the unitive and procreative meanings of marriage. Contraception aims at sex without babies, these reproductive technologies aim at producing babies without sex.
To “produce” children through a laboratory contributes to a view of children as commodities to be acquired or discarded at will, rather than persons to be received as gifts.” Mary Healy, Men and Women are from Eden

The Church is very concerned about fertility problems and puts a lot of effort into research.  

The Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, in Omaha, Nebraska is the leading education and research center in the United States for natural family planning. Directed by Thomas W. Hilgers, M.D., it has received both national and international recognition for its outstanding achievements in the field of natural fertility regulation and reproductive medicine.

The church fights against the "use" of people. The Church wants us to profoundly uphold the dignity of the person.

The church does not oppose medical interventions that attempt to assist a normal sexual union in achieving fertilization such as certain drug therapies. Nor does it oppose medical procedures that aim to heal medical conditions that contribute to infertility, such as the NaPro Technology approach developed by the Pope Paul VI Institute for Human Reproduction.

The church does oppose those methods that replace the marital embrace rather than helping it achieve its natural end.

It is important to know that in vitro fertilization requires the implantation of several embryos. One or two might survive, but for those, about 12 others will die...

You can find the Church’s teaching in the Catechism or the Catholic Church: The gift of a Child (2373 to 2379)