Jesus shows us the way to true freedom and victory – by freely submitting our heart, mind, and will to an all-merciful, all-loving, and all-wise God. What the Father offers us in exchange is a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans14:17). The happiest, freest people are those who delight in God. Their joy is the pleasure of doing the Father’s will. Don Schwager
Excerpts from In the School of the Holy Spirit by Jacques Philippe
How can human freedom be reconciled with our submission to God?
The more we are subject to God, the freer we are. It could even be said that the only way we can win our freedom is by obeing God....
What is freedom? It does not mean giving free rein to whim but rather enabling what is best, most beauriful and most profound in ourselves feely to emerge, instead of being stifled by more superficial things such as our fears, selfish attachments, of falsity. If we submit to God, that submission will in fact strip off a sort of shell that imprisons us, to make room for all that is genuine in us.
If we submit to God's will, it will certainly be oppsed to part of ourselves. But this part is the negative part of us that limits us and from which Gid is gradually delivering us. Pages 86-87