The third very important thing is that it shows the children that there is something more than just this visible world, something bigger they are walking toward... it gives them the sense of the invisible world and widens their horizon. Our life is not just our time on earth. We believe in eternal life. It also familiarizes them with death and doesn't make it as horrible by knowing of the invisible world. Their loved ones are still alive but in a different and better way.

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 25, 2010 (
Benedict XVI is recommending that everyone have devotion to a particular saint -- he suggested, for example, a namesake -- so that the saint can offer closeness through intercession but also be a model to imitate.

"Each one," he said, "should have a saint that is familiar to him, to whom he feels close with prayer and intercession, but also to imitate him or her. Hence, I would like to invite you to know the saints better, beginning with the one whose name you bear, by reading his life, his writings. You can be certain that they will become good guides to love the Lord ever more and valid aids for your human and Christian growth."