October 23th Tyler and Aryn – Houma-Thibodaux, LA“The class brought us closer together in the evenings and gave us time away from the rest of the world to discuss our future.”
Him: I found this class was very nice. It went in depth on each topic and through that I learned a lot about a successful marriage. I appreciated how we had to sit down and work on these assignments together. It brought us closer together as a couple.
Her: This class was very informative and taught me more about God and what it takes to have a successful Marriage and Family. It made me want to find a church in Texas that Tyler and I can become a part of, so when we do start a family we will knowledge them of God.
Both: It made us discuss our beliefs and goals for the future.
October 24th Jack and Mallory – Lafayette, LA “It was a gentle reminder and push to take more control and be more involved in my relationship with Christ.”
Him: I feel the class overall has helped me have a better understanding of what it means to be married. I also feel that it has given me more tools to help with making a marriage work and also showcased the importance and significance of having God as part of your married life.
Her: Overall, I feel that this class was very educational and beneficial to our impending marriage. It was personal and detailed and helped to provide in-depth exploration of all facets of a marriage. I feel confident that together we are prepared for the covenant we are entering into with one another and with God.
Both: Overall, I feel that this class was very educational and beneficial to our impending marriage. It was personal and detailed and helped to provide in-depth exploration of all facets of a marriage. I feel confident that together we are prepared for the covenant we are entering into with one another and with God.
October 25th Jordan and Nicolette – New York, NY “It helped reinforce my faith by learning how to incorporate my faith into my relationship more.”
Him: This was an incredibly convenient course that we found to bring up some great exercises and talk out our expectations. The feedback seemed really personalized. It was evident that our answers were read and that was nice considering we took so much time to create those answers.
Her: The course was awesome and I would recommend this to any of my friends getting married in the church. The online aspect of this course was really great because of the difference of schedules that Jordan and I have. It helped by giving me a new perspective. I never really looked at our relationship, let alone almost marriage with Christ involved, but now I do and am going to work on allowing that.
Both: Things like work, finances, and plans for children were all on the table to talk about.
October 26th Douglas and Caitlin – Lansing, MI “This course reminded me about my faith and what it means in a big picture format.”
Him: This class made me critically think about very important topics that I otherwise would have not imagined might be important. I had many assumptions about roles and problem solving that were important to start talking about now, rather than when it might be too late.
Her: I think this course was ideal for both Doug and I. We felt that we had a very strong sense for the importance of communication, but this course taught us that communication is more than important. It is the difference between a happy, successful marriage and a weak, destructive marriage. Beyond that we had a great time discussing the answer responses from both sets of our mentors, across this course.
Both: As we discussed throughout the assignments and in this review, this course definitely showed us more complete ways to communicate. Importantly, this course was instrumental in showing us how important constant and honest communication is.
October 27th Murillo and Thaynara – Atlanta, GA “I felt very blessed about everything.”
Him: I had no idea how the course would be, at first, I thought of being advice only on the life we would follow, but this course makes us rethink everything we have already done and really prepares us for the future as much as a human being as in family life.The course surprised me to prepare for life in every way, we will take these lessons and we will seek new ones every day. We will be eternally grateful for all the attention you have given us.
Her: This course led me to have more desire to learn about God because I could think of His desires and teachings and realized that I still do not know practically anything that I need to know. I have faith He has more great things for my life and I accept it.
Both: This course has helped us to have more dialogue, patience, forgiveness. We seek the word of God together, we believe in improving our married life and communication.
Building Christ-centered marriages,
one couple at a time ™