Aug. 1st – Hector and Jakelin – Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA “I learned that God plays a huge role in our marriage”
Him: Taking the marriage course give new insight on what it means to marry your partner. Helped give ideas on how to handle certain circumstances. Like to forgive and to communicate with each other. To always put each other first.
Her: My Impression of this class was great I enjoyed learning more on building my own family and also about my relationship with God as well as with my future husband.
Both: We always had good communication, but the course did help improve on some points. Like forgiveness in our relationship is a bit hard, but we do talk things out.
Aug. 2nd – Trey and Taylor (Interfaith)– Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL “It inspired me to want to read scripture more”
Him: I learned a lot about my future spouse and this allowed us to have deep conversations about our future, while bringing God to the center of it all.
Her: This was a great learning opportunity for us before we get married and we got to learn more things about the Catholic Church and I got to grow closer to my future spouse and God. I am not Catholic and I loved having carving out the time to have these real and meaningful conversations with my future spouse.
Both: The communication tools helped give us actual things to use to improve our communication and even discussing all the different topics allowed our communication to become stronger in the fact that we didn't hold anything back.
Aug. 3rd – Joe and Zola – Diocese of Marquette, MI “It has pushed us to pray together and brought God more to the forefront of our daily lives”
Him: I think this was a really valuable experience for us. It pushed us to have a lot of conversations that we might not otherwise not have had. I'm glad that we were able to do this.
Her: I attended mass frequently and I used to pray on my own every night. Going to school, moving cities, etc. has let it get away from me somewhat and this course was a good reminder how important it is to keep your relationship with God strong and present.
Both: We were both raised catholic however this course re-taught us a lot of great foundations and the importance and true meaning of a catholic wedding.
Aug. 4th – Jonathan and Mackenzie (Interfaith)– Diocese of Phoenix, AZ “It made me feel closer to God and His Word”
Him: Only being Christian and not Catholic, I learned a lot about the faith and why things are done in a certain way. Very informative!
Her: I learned so much about my own faith being a Catholic. Having gone through the other sacraments so far, some of the stuff we learned in this course, I hadn't been explicitly taught before and we had some great discussions as a couple.
Both: We had good communication before, but this really makes you dive deep into the raw conversations.
Aug. 5th – Fernando and Dennis– Diocese of Memphis, TN “It increased my desire to bring God into our Marriage”
Him: Excellent class, made me realize a bunch of things I was overlooking about marriage. I feel that now I am prepared to welcome God in our marriage.
Her: I am grateful for having taken the time to complete this course because it was very informative and it also gave us the opportunity to reflect and talk about how we should get prepared to get the sacrament of marriage. I am excited to start this journey with God in our lives.
Both: It helped us to connect in a more spiritual way.