March 19th Cristhian and Jessica – San Diego, CA“I loved that it was able to be individualized at our discretion because we have already many conversations on a lot of the topics presented”

Him:I was amazed by the depth of the answers and feedback provided after every assignment was completed. Also, the quickness in the response was very convenient for us, we felt always ready and capable of going through this course at our own pace - and we learned so much from the content provided along the way.
Her: This was a very convenient way for Cristhian and I to complete our marriage prep, and we were very comfortable having one-on-one discussions using the thorough and thought-provoking prompts.
Both:By coming up with joint answers it helped us to be on the same page, and it was also helpful to be very thorough about these discussions.

March 20th Thierry and Courtney – Denver, CO “As future catholic, it definitely gave me more insight into what I have learned at school and from church.”

Him:I had not been very actively practicing. This brought me to want to be more active and talk to God more through prayer, now I have Courtney to share this with me.I liked that it helped us get engaged and openly discuss issues.
Her:It was great, my favorite part was when we took a pause and told each other how we felt. We were able to discuss potential issues, things that was in the back of our minds but was never brought up. I believe that not only our faith is strong as ever, we are even closer partners. And it was fun!
Both:It made us engaged, think deeper about subjects and what we both want and share our thoughts freely, whether they were similar or different. We were able to clearly find solutions for our differences.

March 21st Andres and Caitlin – Sacramento, CA “This was a truly great course to go through.”

Him:This was a truly great course to go through. I wasn't necessarily sure what to expect, but I feel much better now that we did it. I think topics were relevant, intellectually stimulating and exactly what we needed at this point in our relationship.
Her:I agree with Jerry - thank you [our instructors]! This was a great course with a lot of thought put into how it was structured and what topics it covered. Like Jerry, I wasn't necessarily sure of what to expect but it was definitely worth doing and I would encourage all believers in Christ to do the course too.
Both:We now pray together, openly address issues we are having personally as well as with each other, and try to think about what Christ would want us to do.

March 22nd Steven and Maeve – Steubenville, OH “I appreciate most the amount of knowledge combined with care and experience from our instructors.”

Him:Our teacher's were knowledgeable, quick to send back our answer keys, were ready to answer any questions we had, and they also offered many ideas we could improve upon.
Her:The knowledge within the course and our teachers, who were very welcoming, was very in-depth, helpful, and the lessons, questions, and answers were usually very understandable, though some confusion did arise from how the questions were put on occasion. The resources offered to us were also very good!
Both:These classes helped spark conversations we may not otherwise have had so soon, and taught us many different useful techniques that we can use to get through any crises and every day life together.

March 23rd Omar and Jamie – Denver, CO “It totally revived my faith.”

Him: This was a great course. I have a better understanding of what marriage is and I feel much more closer to God.I appreciate how important it is to pray a couple and how important the sacrament is to God. I also appreciate the fact that I got to do these classes with Jamie.
Her:I learned so much during this course.  I enjoyed the homework assignments a lot.  Researching together was fun and I feel like this brought us closer together.Since the course has started I've kept what I've learned close to my heart and am using it in my daily life.  I see a positive impact on myself and others.  From listening to my conscience and keeping it healthy to active listening and I feel a positive change in myself.
Both:Praying together before each course just naturally brings closeness.  Understanding the importance of communication and what that person is trying to express is crucial and we both benefited from that course.