September 18th Andrew and Katie – Denver, CO“It definitely got me thinking and reflecting on my relationship with God more than I had in years!”
Him:It was quite the experience and made me think about many things. It did seem a bit long at times, but it was well worth the effort. It made us discuss a lot of points and made us stronger as a couple.I appreciated the quizzes that we gave each other and made us talk about hard topics.
Her: It was very different than I thought it was going to me. I really appreciate having to deeply reflect and discuss why we are getting married. This brought us much closer together than I expected.I appreciated the discussion with our [instructor] couple. The feedback was tremendous and wonderfully helpful. There were times I was so stressed out after completing the assignment, but their feedback was so encouraging and proved we were on the right track.
Both: It got us speaking about really tough issues, especially what we wanted out of the marriage. I have watched so many people get married and struggle with the issues we discussed. I feel like we are at an advantage since we were able to communicate so honestly beforehand.
September 19thMatt and Anna – Warroad, MN “I appreciated the in depth look at how both Anna and I look to God and worship.”
Him:It was nice to speak with Anna about our faith and future in an in depth manner. I believe we both got a lot out of it and understand one another better.
Her: I feel like this was very much so geared towards making sure that Matt and I understand the commitment we are making to each other and how the promises we are making to each other are seen by the Catholic Church.
Both: I think that this course helped Matt and I learn more about our individual communication styles and also our learning styles. Overall, I think that we already had excellent communication skills, but we are now also communicating about different things.
September 20th Michael and Sylvia – San Francisco, CA “It was a thorough and effective course.”
Him:Very eye-opening and enjoyable. The topics that we discussed were reminders about what is important. I feel a deeper connection now with my family and faith as a result.We both gained a deeper understanding of each other and the meaning of the marriage sacrament. It was a fun experience as well.
Her:The prep brought us closer together and helped us to focus on our relationship with God in the context of marriage.This course ignited by desire to get closer. The conversations and content provided by each assignment strengthened the bond between us as a couple and also with God. The course helped me to re-discover my faith in new and deeper ways.
Both: It improved our communication by suggesting topics of discussion and facilitating the opportunity to reflect independently and then come together to review our thoughts. This process of personal time for introspection and then discussion together was very effective.
September 21th Robert and Angelia – Military Diocese, AZ “It went beyond my expectations.The feedback and lessons were thorough and I appreciate that!”
Him:I was very pleased with the course. Some things we have heard before but others, such as NFP, I am very much looking forward to learning more about. Angelia already bought a book about it and we are going to learn together. I also was a big fan of how the questions triggered a conversation between Angelia and myself. We'd find ourselves spending almost half an hour on one question. I loved how this course helped me grow in understanding of my faith and helped prepare my heart and mind to help my future wife and myself get to Heaven.
Her: I’m so grateful we were able to take this course. It was the center of our weekly FaceTime date night! With the hours we’d spend on each assignment, we focused on building our relationship/knowledge of each other and God and the Church. The questions and feedback we received sparked conversation between the two of us as it should have, prompting us to talk about some things we’ve never even talked about before.
Both:I believe that as we take this next step in our relationship, we will also take a next step in our level of communication. We can openly communicate about the good and bad things in this world, things that will affect us and our children, and most importantly understand one another like we never have before. Understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and how to constantly support one another despite whatever is thrown our way.
September 22th Weston and Melissa – Kansas City, MO “I enjoyed the conversations it created between us and learning new things about each other.”
Him:I thought the class was very in depth and it covered all the topics I was hoping it would. I liked the mix of Bible and documents from the church’s history. I learned knew things about the church that I didn’t know. I also felt that it brought me closer with my significant other. I appreciated learning more in depth about the Bible and church and how it relates to our relationship.
Her:I enjoyed the class. I thought it was good at stimulating my own thoughts and creating conversations with my significant other.I appreciated learning more in depth about how marriage is similar to how Christ loves his people and learning more in depth about God’s plan for marriage and discussing these with my significant other. I enjoyed the conversations it created between us and learning new things about each other.
Both:The course reminded us of the symbolism of being close with your partner symbolizes your relationship with God.
Building Christ-centered marriages,
one couple at a time ™