Couples are immersed in Theology of the Body (TOB) throughout the marriage prep course.

2024 flyer coming soon!

1- First Session: In the Beginning...

After a time of presentation, the course starts with Genesis: God's Plan for man and woman, the origin of marriage and how sin distorted everything.
We will read Genesis and discover what it means to be human, to be a man and to be a woman.
We will also define sin and how it distorted man and woman's relationship. How does this still affect us today?
What is this fruit Adam and Eve ate and why didn't God want them to eat it?
Is there any hope for redemption?

2- Second Session: The Sacrament of Matrimony.
What is a Sacrament? Why is it important to receive the Sacraments?
After a short review of the seven sacraments of the Church, we will reflect on what it means to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony? What can we expect?
We will listen to St. Paul to understand how marriage reflects the love of Christ for the Church. He will also help us have a better marriage through the love and respect connection.

Forgiveness - Your Body is a Temple
This will be the second part of the evening.
We will learn how forgiveness is vital to marriage and rediscover the beautiful gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
We will also learn that we owe immense respect to our bodies as they are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and a window on our souls. This will give us clues on how to have a holy sex life.

3- Third Session: The Rite of Marriage in details:
We will analyze each sentence of the Rite of marriage.
1) Freely and without reservation
2) To give yourselves to each other
3) For the rest of your lives
4) Will you accept children lovingly from God
5) and raise them up according to the law of Christ and his Church
6) I take you
We will discuss several important topics: cohabitation, sex before marriage, contraception, abortion, reproductive technologies, child-rearing...
Couples will work individually on these core topics: abstinence and Natural Family Planning.

4- Fourth Session: Relationship Tools
What is going to hold you together for life? What do you expect from marriage?
Each couple will reflect individually on these questions.
Together we will then try to unmask the myths about marriage and help you bring your expectations in line with reality.
We will make a list of all potential problems in a marriage and each couple will then try to find together their own potential problems to find solutions.
We will then discuss together how to avoid money becoming a problem in marriage, how to fight infidelity, and we will practice together vital communication tools.
We will end the evening with prayer for "a family that prays together is a family that stays together." (Mother Teresa)

Certificates of Completion will be delivered after the final prayer.