NOTE: All NFP Method Providers or their instructors can provide a Certificate of Completion if required for marriage preparation.
Billings Method
The Billings Method (BOM)--This effective natural method is based on the cervical mucus sign that a woman produces during her fertility cycles. Women are taught to observe for sensations the mucus produces at the woman’s vulva and the appearance of any discharge during their normal daily activities. Nothing special needs to be done. What separates the Billings Ovulation Method® from other natural and artificial methods is its simplicity based on solid research. Over 850,000 hormonal assays confirm that the four simple rules of the method work.
The BOM has incorporated the most current science behind the different types and functions of the cervical mucus and what constitutes all categories of Basic Infertile Patterns, to make the practice of this method more satisfying and effective, with less abstinence.
One 90-minute intro session taught by an instructor along with individual follow up/chart reviews.
Learning Modes: Live online or Live in-person
Website to locate instructors: Check with individual instructors as they may charge different fees.
Couple to Couple League
Couple to Couple League (CCL)—an effective natural sympto-thermal method based on 3 fertility signs—cervical mucus, basal or waking temperature, and optional cervix. With the guidance of a certified volunteer teaching couple, you and your fiancé or spouse will benefit from both their knowledge of the method and experience of using NFP in their own marriage.
Three 2.5 – 3-hour class sessions with individual chart reviews.
Learning Modes: Live online, Live in-person; Self-paced online
Website to register for classes and pay fees:
Creighton Model of NFP
The Creighton Model (CrM) is an effective natural method of family planning based solely on a woman’s observations of cervical mucus when wiping at bathroom visits, unlike the BOM. Creighton Model instructors teach couples how to observe and record the quality of the woman’s cervical mucus in a standardized and systematic way.
One 90-minute intro session taught by an instructor, followed by approximately 6-8 or more individual follow-up sessions with the instructor over the next year.
Learning Modes: Live in-person; some instructors offer Live online instruction.
Website to locate instructors, costs, etc.: Type in your state to see contacts/locations for instructors. Be sure to check out costs; individual instructors may charge different fees.
Marquette Model of NFP
The Marquette Method (MM) an effective natural method, uses two main indicators to determine fertility: cervical mucus observations and urinary hormone measurements. One or both signs are tracked based on user preference, and then combined with a simple protocol to determine the fertile window. The Marquette Method has optional instructions for incorporating basal body temperature (BBT), urine luteinizing hormone (LH) tests, and urine progesterone tests to help be more precise in identifying fertility.
Group or individual instructional classes along with individual follow ups/chart reviews.
Learning Modes: Live online or Live in-person
Websites: or Note: this method requires the purchase of a monitor and individual test strips which are not included in the costs listed on the websites. Be sure to check with the instructor for an estimate of the total cost per year of use.
SymptoPro NFP Method
SymptoPro™ Fertility Education is an effective, scientifically based method, that treats fertility as a normal, healthy process. SymptoPro is based on changes in a woman’s cervical mucus, waking or resting temperature, and cervix. These observable signs change in response to the hormones of the menstrual cycle.
An experienced personal instructor will guide you through three comprehensive learning sessions and all related assignments along with individual follow ups/chart reviews.
Learning Modes: Online or in-person
Website to register for classes, cost, etc.: