December 18th Vance and Anna – Baton Rouge, LA“We learned so much about each other that we may not have learned until years into marriage.”

Him:Very interesting and helpful.  It gave me the opportunity to learn more about the Catholic faith and it opened the doors for conversations that Anna and I wouldn't normally have.
Her: Very interesting!  I loved getting the chance to have these conversations with Vance that we would not have maybe had otherwise.  Even if we had them eventually, this program gave us the opportunity to have all of those discussions before we got married.  It made us learn more and more about each other that we could have ever learned.This program made me very excited about my faith and my future with Vance.  It taught me what God's plan was for me as a Christian wife, and it allowed me to revisit so many lessons during catechism.
Both: The last assignment especially helped us to consider how to express what upsets us without forcing blame on anyone. That exercise alone has helped us talk about our feelings in a better way and we enjoyed that a lot.

December 19th Mike and Jina – Lafayette, LA “This helped us revive our faith by allowing me to realize even more how important God is in our relationship.”

Him:This was a good experience. This brought us closer together.This revived our desire by focusing on the key points on why we marry and what’s important in that marriage.
Her:This allowed us to gain a new sense of one another and our desires as a couple.The way this brought us closer together and with God through the questions that we did not think of asking one another.
Both: It allowed us to be patient with the one another and try and understand the other more, versus staying in our own thoughts.

December 20th Steve and Mary – Arlington, VA “This did revive my faith and I hope it only continues to get stronger.”

Him:I really enjoyed it much more than I had expected, it was a great learning experience and a refresher to some things in my own faith and shared beliefs. I appreciated understanding my wife's faith batter and realizing our faiths are similar.  I feel I have been enlightened a lot more about the Catholic faith.
Her: I really enjoyed this course, it gave me a lot of great information and some refreshers as well.  I think it brought my husband and myself closer together and taught us both a great deal about marriage in the Catholic Church. I really appreciate my husband taking the time to do this with me, and learn my faith a bit better.
Both: I think it’s just helping us grow as a couple to communicate better, understand one another better.

December 21th Marco and Elena – New York, NY “Now I fully understand the meaning of a Catholic wedding.”

Him:This preparation was really good, I enjoyed studying it with Elena. We learnt so much about ourselves and God and it answered a lot of questions.I really would like to thank you for the time and effort you put to create this class. It's helping our relationship and I'm sure it will help us in the future.
Her:I really liked this preparation: sometimes it can take a long time, but we learnt a lot and it helped in our daily struggles. I really appreciated the difference in each chapter and I found the videos really interesting. They bring a new rhythm to the classes. I also like the fact it's online, so with Marco we were able to choose the best moments to do the course.
Both:It improved our communication, as we are trying to stop blaming each other but share our feelings and do active listening. Also, we better understand our priorities and we stop our fights earlier, as we understand they are not so relevant.

December 22th Nathan and Amanda – Springfield, IL “It renewed my desire to get closer to God.”

Him:I appreciated the feedback because it complimented the questions that I did not always fully understand.
Her:The preparation was so much more in depth than I had anticipated. I had no expectations so I was completely surprised by the depth and breadth of information given to us. I most appreciated the feedback from [our instructors], because if felt like they were talking to us vs. preaching at us.
Both:We learned some specific tools and the course gave us some insight as to how to communicate during difficult times should they arise.