Online Pre-Cana Marriage Prep
One-On-One Mentor-Led Pre-Cana Marriage Prep Courses Online! Preparing online does not mean you are preparing alone! Register online now and get started today! Work together online with each other. Being apart does not mean you need to wait. Work at your own pace from anywhere!
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Couples are immersed in Theology of the Body (TOB) throughout the marriage prep course.
The Regular course requires a minimum of 20 hours of active work. It is usually completed in four to six weeks. It must be completed within three months maximum and can be completed in as little as four (4) weeks. With our Urgent Care program the course can be completed in as little as ten (10) business days. For all of our courses, Instructors will not work on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
Course Content
There are a total of 9 assignments. Couples will receive access to 7 personal answer keys from their instructor couple (there is no answer key for 1- Knowing You Better and 9- Your Feedback, at the end of the course).
Note: The course covers the theology behind NFP and explains why contraception is a grave sin.
The course does NOT include an actual NFP training. We do offer information on available NFP training options.
1- Knowing You Better:

A short form about you and your story.
Your Instructors want to know you personally.
It is very important for them to know a bit of your background in order to better tailor-fit their answers to your specific needs.
2- God's Plan for Humanity

The course starts with Genesis: God's Plan for man and woman, the origin of marriage and how sin distorted everything.
What does it mean to be human, to be a man, and to be a woman?
What is sin and how it distorted man and woman's relationship. How it still affects us today?
Is there any hope for redemption?
3- The Sacrament of Matrimony
What is a Sacrament? Why is it important to receive the Sacraments?
After a short review of the seven sacraments of the Church, we will reflect on what it means to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony. What can we expect?
Why we really need to form our conscience to be able to make good and moral decisions.
St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians will show us how marriage images the love of Christ for the Church. It will also help us improve our communication through the "love and respect connection."
4- Formation of Conscience

What is conscience?
Why we really need to form our conscience to be able to make good and moral decisions.
The teaching includes a questionnaire to be filled out by the couple.
5- Saying No To Contraception

"Why the Catholic Church keep insisting, in the face of the opposite position held by most of the rest of the modern world, that contraception is one of the worst inventions of our time."
The teaching includes a questionnaire to be filled out by the couple.
The course explains the theology behind NFP, but does not include an actual NFP training.
6- The Rite of Matrimony

The promises of the Rite of Matrimony in detail:
We will analyze each sentence of the rite of matrimony, which will bring about several important topics: cohabitation, sex before marriage, contraception, abortion, reproductive technologies, child-rearing, families of origin...
You will be challenged to make a decision on these core topics: abstinence before the wedding and Natural Family Planning.
7- Forgiveness / Your Body is a Temple

We will learn how forgiveness is vital to marriage and rediscover the beautiful gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Your Body is a Temple
We will also learn that we owe respect to our bodies as they are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and a window on our souls. This will guide us towards a holy sex life.
8- Relationship Tools

Your life-project. What you expect from marriage.
Myths and reality.
A look at the potential problems of conjugal life with solutions.
Vital communication and conflict resolution tools, exercises, and advice. Resources on finances.
We will help you start praying together, "for a family that prays together is a family that stays together." (Father Peyton, Mother Teresa)
9- Your Feedback

Your chance to let us know what you got out of the class, how it affected you, and how we can improve it...
...and your certificate of completion.
Your Instructors will email a PDF copy of your certificate when all requirements are met.
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