February 12th Christopher and Rachel – Dallas, TX“I really appreciated all of the advice from our sponsor couple.”
Him: Quite impressive. Impressive with the in-depth responses to the questions. The responses seemed very genuine, heart felt, and well formulated. I appreciated the thorough, in-depth look into the theology behind Catholic marriage, the practicality of it, and the honest answers from a couple who seeks to live out their vocation well.
Her: I did like that we had to look at scripture and really think about it and reflect on it. I loved our sponsor couple and their responses. It really helped our communication, especially the parts where we had to state our expectations of marriage. That was really helpful for us. We plan to print out our answers and keep them on our refrigerator!
Both:We definitely had some great discussions, particularly on the last assignment and on the assignment about forgiveness. Having His and Her answers is helpful too and keeps us accountable when completing long distance so that we both communicate and listen to each other's answers.
February 13th Lewis and Hannah – Louisville, KY “I wasn't sure what to think when we first started but ultimately I feel as if I got a lot out of it and am excited to marry my best friend.”
Him:This prep was really great. I felt like it brought us both a lot closer not only to each other but to God. I was really impressed with how in-depth the trainings were and the knowledge provided by our assigned couple was awesome!
Her:It exceeded my expectations as well. I did not expect the counseling to go as in-depth as it did. I am very grateful that we had a couple who had gone through the same things and can relate to us.
Both:We felt like communication improved as a result of the provoking topics which were presented. We were able to talk more deeply about our faith. We greatly enjoyed this course. We felt like the lessons were very powerful and we took a lot away from them.
February 14th Jonathan and Angela – Phoenix, AZ “I am grateful that you shared so much with us.”
Him:It was more in depth than I thought. I enjoyed the self-study format because we were able to control our progression and address the areas that we felt we needed more. It revived my faith by reading all of the passages in the Bible, reviewing the answer keys and going through the whole process. It made me realize how God and Jesus are a vital part of marriage.
Her:I appreciated the time that you took to review our answers and give thoughtful insight on others ways to approach the response. I also appreciated the direction you gave us and your personal stories. I am grateful that you shared so much with us.
Both:It encouraged us to discuss areas of our religion that we had not talked about in depth, as well as things we passively accepted about the other, but were unhappy with. It was helpful to discuss these key areas and work towards a better understanding of each other.
February 15th Kris and Nichole – Denver, CO “It really made me reflect on myself and my beliefs and what I will want to believe throughout my life.”
Him:I appreciated the answer keys the most because a lot of time when Nichole and I were filling out the assignments, we felt like we had the wrong answer but the keys made me understand that there wasn't actually a wrong answer but rather just different ways of looking at each situation.
Her:I really appreciated the way this course forced Kris and I to sit down and talk about the important parts of life. It gave us a break from our nonstop schedules and helped us reflect on who we are as a couple. We have decided to keep this time each week to sit and talk about what is going on in our lives and take time to pray.
Both:The prompts and questions this course asked really forced to dig deep within ourselves in order to come up with answers. We have gotten in this habit and will continue to communicate with each other in this manner. It also helped to simply open up lines of communication about our deepest promises to each other and all the ways it is possible to communicate with one another.
February 16th Justin and Natalia – Arlington, VA “I appreciated the insight that the course gave on what it takes to have a successful marriage.”
Him: I really enjoyed the course because it made us think about topics that we hadn't really discussed fully. It helped renew many of the beliefs of the Church that we hadn't focused on in a while.
Her:I liked the course because it brought up topics and situations and tools that we could use to handle them. It brought up things that we may have never thought about otherwise and that no one else had shared with us.
Both:It improved our communication because it allowed us to stop and see the other persons perspectives and perspectives of other couples. It helped show us patience, forgiveness, and how much easier it is to strengthen our relationships by doing things for one another.