Jan. 30th – Jimmy and Ruby – Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX  “It gave me a desire to get closer to God and His Church”

Him: The class actually exceeded my expectations, because it not only strengthened my bond with my fianceé, but also my bond with God.

Her: This course was excellent, I learned so much within the course. I've grown as a person with my faith with all that I've learned within this course.

Both: All the feedback from our instructors that was provided was so great, never made us feel like our answers were wrong.

Jan. 31st – Ernie and Helen – Diocese of Kamloops, Canada  “It helped me understand what God intended marriage to be and why”

Him: I appreciate the time and effort our instructors took in our feedback. It shows that they really care about our preparation in marriage.

Her: This class was great. I, too, have learned a lot and have a deeper curiosity to learn more! I thought the feedback was very helpful and aided in my understanding of the material.

Both: It allowed us to bring up various topics and talk about them in depth. These topics might not have been talked about to this extent if we did not take this course.

Feb. 1st – Peter and Katherine – Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA  “This course taught me principles of the Catholic faith that can help me to be a better partner”

Him: I appreciated learning about each line of the marriage rite in the Catholic church. I am prepared to say my vows with my whole heart.

Her: This course taught me how to incorporate my Catholic faith into a loving, fruitful marriage with my soon-to-be husband!

Both: It improved our communication by allowing us the time to reflect on our thoughts and feelings and to share these ideas with each other.

Feb. 2nd – Jared and Razel (Interfaith)  Diocese of Las Vegas, NV  “It made me want to explore my relationship with God even more”

Him: I wasn't quite sure what to expect coming in and I ended up learning a lot! I enjoyed seeing the connection between marriage and some Bible verses that I had not thought of before.

Her: I am amazed of how detailed and thought-provoking it is. Because of this class, Jared and I had quite a few deep discussions, which made me know a side of him that I did not know before.

Both: It improved our communication tremendously. We did not realize that we even though we started out with different religions, we can sit down and discuss the course and come up with a common solution.

Feb. 3rd – Anonymous – Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA  “It revived my passion for developing my relationship with God”

Him: I learned a lot about the Catholic religion and it did solidify my reason to convert and be part of this region.

Her: It allowed me to show the importance of the Catholic faith and God to my future spouse and help us create a stronger bond.

Both: It allowed us to have those difficult conversation and make us evaluate our shared values and goals.