June 12th – Shane and Anne - Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY “Our instructors were incredible teachers”
Him: The course itself was wonderful, I believe it covered so many topics of marriage and not only focused on the spiritual side of things, but also real-life situations that we may cross later in life.
Her: Our instructors were incredible teachers and provided so much insight into the topics that we may not have covered, they are truly wonderful people.
Both: We appreciated our instructors to provide us with such great insight and knowledge. It was a great time spent together during what can be stressful times, planning a wedding.
June 13th – Sheldon and Taylor – Archdiocese of San Francisco, CA “l liked the hypothetical situations and working together to come up with solutions”
Him: It reminded me of some of the passages and readings in the Bible that I had read as a child, which makes me want to read the Bible more often.
Her: It reminded me of the importance of God in my own family growing up, and how I want to make sure that is an active part of our marriage and family as well.
Both: We would recommend any couple planning to get married to take this course.
June 14th – Angelo and Lindsey – Newman CTR, Diocese of Springfield, IL “It allowed us to take a deep dive into our faith and the foundations for which we will build our marriage and our family.”
Him: Besides going to Mass weekly, I am going to go to confession more regularly, and go on more Rosary walks.
Her: I will continue to go to mass weekly, do my daily devotionals and once we get settled in our new city, will really dive into being more active in our parish.
Both: The course was wonderful. It allowed us to have potentially challenging conversations and grow in our relationship. It also allowed us to deepen our faith and have discussions around what our faith will look like for our family and our children. It was truly so great!
June 15th – Michael and Renee – Archdiocese of New York, NY “Everything was extremely professional and I enjoyed the conversations that came from it.”
Him: In agreeing to raise my children in the Catholic faith, it made me want to understand the church more and its teachings and traditions, and how it has affected my future spouse's life already.
Her: The conversations that came out of that between Mike and myself were really impactful and I feel like we grew closer and talked about our expectations due to those prompts and teachings.
Both: We plan on taking our future children to church and also aim to do better ourselves with attending church and involving more prayer in our day to day lives.
June 16th – Ramiro and Marissa – Diocesis de San Juan de Los Lagos, Mexico “Make it a habit to go to Church every Sunday and build friendship with other couples at the parish.”
Him: This course exceeded my expectations. I was hesitant to do the in person prep due to it being with several other couples. We spoke about topics we never have before. For example, NFP.
Her: I am happy we chose online marriage prep, it was very detailed and feel it was more personal. It gave Ramiro and I time together to talk in depth about our life after marriage.
Both: We are extremely satisfied, it allowed us to work at our own pace and we were able to start a section and go back whenever.