May 21st John and Angela – Denver, CO“It surpassed my expectations-We feel stronger as a couple and that we are truly prepared and ready to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony.”

Him:It brought up a lot of important topics for us to talk about and think about; some that we have discussed before but not in great detail and some things we haven't thought of at all. It really made us want to be more active in the Church and have God a daily part of our lives as we enter this new and exciting chapter in our life and many chapters to come!
Her: It was a very lengthy prep but it really forced us to sit down and be true to ourselves and each other and promoted a lot of open conversations throughout this preparation. I feel as if there are no skeletons in the closet or hidden feelings on various life/marriage topics. This course brought up a lot of good points and examples of how having a strong relationship with God personally and in one's marriage will help strengthen our marriage and lead us to the end goal of getting each other to heaven.
Both:It covered so many important topics in life as a married couple; it helped us to realize what we needed work on and what we were already on the same page on; we feel we have a clear and common goal together as a couple!

May 22nd Corey and Tierney – Allentown, PA “I believe that this course did revive both mine and Tierney's faith.”

Him:I truly believe that we learned a great deal of information that will be very beneficial throughout our marriage and lives. Even though we both attended Catholic school for many years, there were a number of concepts that were new to us - primarily because marriage was never a major topic in our early education. Regardless, it was very helpful and good for us to do together and discuss the topics.
Her:I will admit that my conception of marriage preparation was centered around the idea of an in-person class and did not know what to expect for an online course. Needless to say, having formerly been a teacher I was very impressed on the various means of information communication and reinforcement of concepts that we built upon throughout the assignments. I appreciated that the resources were varied from video, text and talking and that we were prompted to discuss. I did not expect the level of feedback and support [our instructors] offered which really encouraged Corey and I to invest in our assignments and preparation.
Both:I think that every couple believes they have good communication skills, until they are presented with something that is unfamiliar, or uncomfortable for them to discuss. Thus this course, in prompting us to think about how we treat and honor each other, about obedience, discipline, faith, God's will, challenges, fidelity and sinning, we both strengthened our communication skills as we revealed more of our most personal feelings, emotions and relationship with God moving forward and enabling us to continue to improve our communication. We have prayed together through this course and continue to make this habit a part of our family tradition.

May 23rd Joseph and Veronica – Detroit, MI “It made me reflect on how I view my faith and how I can grow as a member of the Catholic Church.”

Him:It was great. I feel like I for a lot out of it. They also worked with my crazy military schedule. I liked the types of questions they used. It really made us think and communicate on a much deeper level.
Her:It was very well put together and very personal. I thought [our instructor’s] feedback was very well put together, very relevant, and you can tell they really put their time into it and are passionate about it.I appreciated the feedback the most. [Our instructors] really helped us understand and dig deep into topics. I also liked how they showed us how they applied certain concepts and tools within their own marriage.
Both:It made us discuss very sensitive topics in a deep way. We feel like we learned a lot about each other in the process.Thank you so much, this was a wonderful experience!

May 24th James and Katrina – San Francisco, CA “It made me feel closer to God, and inspires me even more to look to God for support in our marriage and all of it phases, and to pass those transitions on when we are raising our family.”

Him:Before these marriage prep courses, I knew marriage was going to be about compromise and forgiveness. The concept is easy to talk about but these courses help me understand the mind state I should be in throughout our marriage to avoid issues, show my support and maintain happiness together.I did not know what to expect but I was surprised by the scriptures that served as examples and scenarios about a husband and wife's relationship and actions. Growing up and attending a Catholic School, we were not taught the scriptures from the point of view of the marriage mind state. The use of these scriptures to teach us how to responds and react to each other exceeded my prior outlook looking to the Bible to understand how to be a better husband.
Her:This prep helped me get a better understanding of marriage and how to face all of it's obstacles together to have a successful and happy marriage with God.I knew that this course would be eye opening. I enjoyed the readings and relating them to real life situations. It made me more aware and open minded on how to overcome or avoid issues in our relationship.
Both:I taught us how to compromise without still placing blame. In this type of compromise, someone doesn't have to feel like they "lost" their position or disagreement.

May 25th Lee and Colleen – San Francisco, CA “It was a great way to sit together and learn more about this sacrament.”

Him: It was great to reflect on questions around our spirituality from an outside source. I appreciated all of the feedback we got on the questions. Some of the questions we felt confused and even frustrated about, but your responses put us at ease.
Her:I really enjoyed getting these topics to converse about. We have spoken more broadly about them but not so in-depth.I appreciate the quality time this forced us to set aside during these hectic months before the wedding!
Both:I think we are now both conscious of these concepts- it will help a lot to be on the same page and be able to reference them.