Top 3

Jared and Stacianne – Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY
His impression of the prep: I was enlightened with the various lessons in the course. We were able to have open discussions and reflect on our relationship in a very productive way. Our instructors were very constructive and insightful in their replies, which we found very useful.
Her impression of the prep: This class was extremely informative and educational. Although, not everyone is Catholic, I think this class should be taken by everybody who gets married. We learned so many important aspects about marriage and were able to have open discussions and get to know each other on a deeper meaning. This class forced us to have tough conversations that we may not have had otherwise. It has helped to prepare us for our lives together as one and in the hands of the Lord. Our instructors were absolutely wonderful mentors. They provided us with wonderful positive feedback as well as a wealth of extra information. They were extremely supportive, encouraging, and understanding. It was a pleasure having them as our mentors throughout the process. We feel blessed.
Did it meet his expectations: Yes, as it covered various concepts like forgiveness, honesty, etc. that I expected to be covered. I was delighted with the extensive replies we received from our instructors- these were more extensive than I would have expected

Did it meet her expectations: The class absolutely met our expectations. I spoke a lot to it in the question before. Additionally, we loved the online format of the class. It allowed us to work at our own pace and we looked forward to doing the class together each time we did. Our instructorswent above and beyond in their responses and they always provided us with our feedback in less than 24 hours, which was extremely helpful for us and we greatly appreciate it. I enjoyed reading all of the information provided as well as watching the videos provided.

Jason and Emily – Archdiocese of Cincinnati
His impression of the prep: I was concerned when we opted for the online class that the lessons would not be as personal, in depth, and beneficial.  As we sit here now having completed the online course and having spoken to other friends who attended the in-person classes, it certainly seems that the online format allows for much deeper reflection at our own pace and in a more intimate setting.  Understandably, some friends who took the in-person course were self-conscious having others in the room and did not have as much time to reflect at their own pace and reach the most detailed solutions.  We are extremely satisfied with our decision and the outcome of this course.
Her impression of the prep: This class caused Jason and I to have deep, meaningful conversations about marriage. It provided a multitude of resources and guidance for a successful and loving marriage. It created a strong foundation for Jason and I to start our marriage rooted in Jesus Christ.
Did it meet his expectations: Yes absolutely.  The level of detail in the responses from our instructors and the wide range of material, bible verses, videos, passages, in each lesson allowed for greater learning than I expected.  The variety of resources and methods of learning really made this an engaging course

Did it meet her expectations: Yes, it exceeded my expectations. I was very concerned this course would be more geared towards Jason, but I felt included and valued. I also learned a great deal about the Catholic faith, which has brought Jason and I together on a different level.

Blake and Kristen – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph
His impression of the prep: This course really dove into every aspect of what it means to be married. I loved digging deep into aspects of life, scripture, and marriage all the while; having specific texts from the Bible and other saintly figures.
Her impression of the prep: This course was excellent. We felt that our instructors really put a lot of thought into their responses. The resources we gained from this course will be tools we reflect back on as our marriage evolves. The class covered a variety of topics that helped us intentionally prepare and discuss how we will prioritize and keep God number one as we live the sacraments.
Did it meet his expectations: This course went above and beyond my expectations. I didn’t have many expectations going into the course, just tried to go into it with an open mind, but I was very surprised with how much thought and effort I was putting into it.
Did it meet her expectations: Yes, this class met and exceeded my expectations. Taking the course allowed us to explore many topics we had discussed in great depth, and I am thankful for that.

Top 3

Parish Life

Joshua and Rachel – Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, TX

Impacted his Faith: I am still new to the Catholic faith. However, I found great value in seeing the church's perspective on modern day issues that I grew up believing the church was against entirely. I am prouder to be a member of the Catholic faith after taking this course.
Impacted her Faith:  This course reminded me to be a Catholic woman. I am more aware of my words, thoughts, and behaviors in the relationship with my fiancé. I realize it is very hard to be a true Catholic, but I will try to follow the Catholic church teaching and God's will.
Both: We will attend mass weekly and pray as often as possible together. We will have a shrine in our home inviting God to be an active part of our lives.

Wendell and Charlene – Diocese of San Jose, CA

Impacted his Faith: This course revived my desire to get closer to God and his church because it reminded me that God is our savior and protector. I learned much about matrimony in a Catholic church is very important as God will guide us through our marriage journey.
Impacted her Faith: Definitely revived my desire to continue and get closer to God and his church. I glorify and praise the lord and will continue to practice his worships. I will continue to pray and thank Him for all His blessings and lessons as we step into this new chapter in our lives with His protection and blessing.
His parish life plan: To go to church, pray, and teach our children about Christ.

Her parish life plan: My plans for participating actively in parish life is to go to church, continue to pray and have a connection with Christ, and teach and have our children practice the sacraments as they grow.

Darryl and Jessica – Archdiocese of Bombay, India

Impacted his Faith: This course did make my faith stronger since it answered a lot of questions for me. I wasn't able to articulate why the catholic church believes what it believes, but this course did give me those answers that convinced me. I want to practice forgiveness in every aspect of my life, not only with my spouse but also with my future children and my extended family. I am convinced that our marriage will remain rock solid only in the Lord and we should place our whole self into his hands.
Impacted her Faith:  This course opened my eyes to how wonderful the teachings of faith are. There were some links and articles that made me tear up just knowing how much the Lord loves me and believes in me. As a future mother, this course made me realize how much the faith of the family is on my shoulders. I need to be the pillar that guides my family in the right direction. For that I need Jesus, I need his grace, consciousness, and forgiveness. It is through faith that I can get through the difficult situations in my marriage.
His parish life plan: I am good at technology. I plan to help with any technology-related tasks that my parish is facing a problem with. I can take a look at their website, help them set up projectors to project liturgy during mass. I am also planning to set up an account for my parish through which they can accept employee stocks as donations. That would help our parish a lot in terms of funds.

Her parish life plan: I plan to join the church choir and sing during Sunday mass. I also want to look at ways to improve the Catholic school run by our parish church. School is a great way for the next generation of catholic children to grow in the faith. A faith-based school with excellent academics is what every Catholic parent wants and I want to put in an effort to make our parish school just that.

Top 3
Communication and Comments

Miguel and Cassandra – Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

How did it better your commutation: It made us aware of some issues that we didn't know we had so it helped us communicate those and resolve them. It helped us truly understand what marriage between a catholic and non-Catholic means. It cleared certain doubts that was causing some issues.

Appreciated most by him: How thorough it was. The fact that our instructors will give their insight base on our comments and going above and beyond to ensure we really understand the assignments/questions.

Appreciated most by her: How it was so easy to understand for a non-Catholic and the way it was taught. It really opened my eyes on what marrying a Catholic means. I felt very welcomed.

Matthew and Roxanne– Diocese of Salina, KS

How did it better your commutation: It gave us specific detailed questions to work through together and respond to. It helped us discuss some of the important things and come to solutions together.

Appreciated most by him: I appreciated the flexibility of when we were able to complete the assignments at our own pace.
Appreciated most by her: I appreciated the quick responses from our instructors along with their insightful feedback on each of our responses. They provided additional information for us to consider along the way that we hadn't initially thought of.

Sergey and Liliana – Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO

How did it better your commutation: It allowed for us to see one another's perspective and understand one another in their ideas. It allowed us to see how important communication is to the success of a marriage.

Appreciated most by him: I can understand my partner's faith more and see why it’s so important to her. I was able to see how her catholic beliefs can help improve our marriage and strength it. I understand her more and appreciate her more for it.

Appreciated most by her: I was able to bond with my partner by sharing my beliefs and communicate different scenarios. We were able to see into situations and come out with more of an understanding to one another.