June 10th – Asonganyi and Forbin – Archdiocese of Washington DC “This rekindled the flames in our relationship”

Him: This course has been an amazing journey to a successful marriage. I have learned many things I didn't know as a young man, and these were essential things I needed to know while preparing for marriage. I was so happy that we got to pray together before each assignment. Completing this marriage prep course has boosted my confidence in becoming a good husband and Dad to our kids. Thank you for your help, guidance, and feedback throughout this course. I will forever remain grateful.

Her: This course has truly been a mind-opener, it has changed my perspective of how I view situations, and it has also made me, realize a lot about myself and my husband. There were times when I felt guilty, but then I learned that forgiveness was just as important as love. The transparency of our tutors especially when reviewing our assignments, was mind-blowing. They were very realistic. I really want to thank you for all your time and sacrifice to educate us, to get closer to Christ in this marriage.

Both: It enhanced our communication, fostering deeper sharing as a couple. It helped us address important topics, understand each other's perspectives, and start building a solid foundation for our marriage through open dialogue, mutual respect, and shared goals.


June 11th – Seth and Rachel – Diocese of Prince Albert, Canada “I feel like this has helped renew a desire to be present with God continually”

Him: I’m glad that I was able to take this course and get this experience. Going through these modules has given me a better appreciation for my relationship with my future spouse. I also believe that it has renewed a relationship with God and brought me closer in that relationship. There was a lot to process during the modules which I feel will make for a successful marriage.

Her: Throughout this course, I believe it has brought me closer to God and gave me a deeper understanding of the connection we will form with God in marriage. The topics really got me thinking on a deeper level about how to have a successful marriage. I feel that the course covered very important topics that all couples should have to discuss prior to marriage. I will carry the information I’ve learned into our future together.

Both: It gave us each on opportunity to have a voice during the process. We worked through the material and listened to each other when we discussed our opinions and feelings. As a result, our communication skills benefited which is a huge foundation in our relationship.


June 12th – Andrew and Kristen – Diocese of Rockville Center, NYC “I appreciated the different perspectives on God and the Church”

Him: This course was different than what I thought it would be, in a good way! It brought up closer as a couple and we found ourselves in hour-long conversations that we thought would never be a topic. So glad this class opened us up a little more and bonded us closer.

Her: This course was very fulfilling and brought us closer as a couple and soon-to-be-married couple! It got us talking about things we probably would have not discussed or even thought to discuss and made us realize what is important versus what we need to work on. Our instructors were great!

Both: We discussed topics we have not discussed in depth about. This course allowed us to go into more detail about our life goals and family goals. We are so happy to have discussed these topics before getting married. These topics also bonded us closer together.


June 13th – Nicholas and Savannah – Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA “I appreciated getting to find out our struggles as well as our healthy parts of our relationship”

Him: I enjoyed doing these classes with my future wife, it has put a whole new meaning to me. I have learned a lot about God and bringing him along for our life of marriage.

Her: Throughout this whole prep course, I have learned so much not only about myself but about Nick. I truly enjoyed allowing God deep into our relationship and growing closer together.

Both: We learned how easy it can be to work together even during difficult times.


June 14th – Anthony and Kara – Archdiocese of Philadelphia, PA “I appreciate the thoughtfulness and detail that went into the entire course”

Him: I am overall pleased with the entirety of the course. The sacrament of marriage is extremely important to my fiancé and I and we really enjoyed answering all of the questions. I felt more connected with Christ.

Her: I appreciated the feedback from our instructors and the opportunity to grow closer with my future spouse on a spiritual level. 

Both: The course allowed us to communicate better and build foundations as a couple because we’ve never participated in a religious course like this together. It was a beneficial learning experience and helped us evolve our spiritual relationship with each other and Christ.