June 3rd – Thomas and Sarah – Archdiocese of Detroit, MI “It reminded me how important it is to continue working on our relationship with God”

Him: I enjoyed the course, the personal feedback was nice and I would recommend this to anybody else looking to do marriage prep in the Catholic Church.

Her: I was satisfied with the course! I learned a lot about what marriage exactly means in the Catholic faith and I feel like we grew as a couple. I would recommend to other couples.

Both: It showed us the various ways we can ensure we strengthen and depend our bond with Christ.


June 4th – Daniel and Adriana – Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA “The course ignited my desire to get closer to God by being able to pray together with my fiancé and continue to keep God in our relationship”

Him: I was extremely satisfied with this course because our instructors were very knowledgeable and gave great feedback to us on each and every question which was a big help on what is expected from us in marriage. Their comments also gave me a different view on different situations that a lot of couples go through.

Her: I was extremely satisfied with this course because it gave Daniel and I the opportunity to get to know each other better and begin conversations that we previously haven’t had. It helped us come closer to God and learn about his plans.

Both: This course helped us to communicate better with one another, it definitely helped us dive deeper into our conversations with each other.


June 5th – Oscar and Maria – Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, TX “This course showed me that the Catholic faith is not a closed and restrictive religion, but one that gives you all the information to let you take the choices for yourself and your marriage”

Him: I feel that this course helped me to understand more about how marriage works and I got to know my partner better and I enjoyed this course. It really makes you think in the future with your partner, and how life just gets better if Christ is on our world.

Her: I am truly satisfied with the course. The feedback for every answer was extensive and really went into detail. We received lots of encouragement and great tips on how to get us thinking about the questions and the answers a little deeper. The course helped me to get to know my partner better and made me think about the choices I want to make to have a happy and long-lasting marriage with God as the center of it all.

Both: We are so grateful for our instructors for this course. We have learned and grown much thanks to their feedback on our answers, and we want to thank them for choosing to help couples prepare for marriage and get closer to each other, as well as to God.


June 6th – Josh and Madison – Diocese of Lafayette, LA “This course made me realize that I need to renew my desire to get to church as often as possible”

Him: I think this course helped improve our communication skills and overall gave us a good foundation to start our marriage with. Through the last 3 months, we have communicated more about our faith than we ever have, and I believe that to be one of the greatest gifts we could’ve received.

Her: I am completely satisfied with this course. We initially chose it to be able to go at our own pace, and because with Josh’s work schedule we could not opt for an in-person class. But had this not been a course that was required for us to get married in our church, we may have never gotten to experience all of the wonderful knowledge about our church that we have been able to receive.

Both: It has given us more than enough important information to improve our relationship, even if we were not aware that it needed to be improved. By requiring us to discuss and analyze questions and passages of text, we have learned to truly dive deeper to understand the word of God, and to strive to understand each other better than we did the previous day. It has shed light on how very important it is to take care of all aspects of your spouse and has given us essential tools to allow the best chances at a long lasting and successful marriage.


June 7th – Aaron and Melanie – Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX “It was very insightful and useful information that allowed me to grow deeper in the faith”

Him: I learned a lot from this course and it was great to receive quick and insightful feedback from Jennifer and Scott.

Her: This course was very informative and allowed us to delve deeper into the Catholic faith and the teachings of the church. We had a great time navigating through the modules together.

Both: It allowed us to communicate more effectively and be more vulnerable in our conversations. It helped us set a strong foundation by ensuring we are both on the same page